Our Teacher Assistants are an integral part of our studio community. Starting this year, we will be implementing a leveled assistant program. All new assistants will begin at Level 1 and advance through the levels by teacher recommendation. If you are interested in being a Teacher's Assistant, please fill out this FORM, and we will contact you.
In order to be an assistant students must be:
- In Grade 7 or above. - Currently enrolled in dance classes at CD&FS. - Be an intermediate level dancer in the style of dance they will be assisting. - Be enthusiastic about working with younger dancers. |
- Pre-Primary through Ballet 2, Kidz, and Junior 1-2 Assistants must arrive 15 minutes prior to class to meet students at the studio’s street door and take attendance. At the end of class, assistants will escort students to the street and wait until they have been picked up.
- All assistants must model exemplary behavior in class and dress appropriately for the style they are assisting.
- If you cannot make a class, it is your responsibility to find a sub and email the studio to let us know. Your class tuition discount will be adjusted accordingly the following month.
- Assistants are expected to attend make-up classes and tech rehearsals at the Barre Opera House.
Level 1 assistants
- Being in front of the class to carry out the dance moves/sequences.
- Knowing the warm-up well enough to lead.
- Helping students who need extra guidance by dancing next to or in front of them.
- Helping to organize students for traveling sequences and leading lines across-the-floor.
- Accompanying youngest children to the bathroom.
- Assisting students with things such as ice packs, band-aids, etc.
- Meet with their Teacher before the Autumn session begins.
- Attend the Assistant Meeting in August with Isadora.
- Attend 1 Sunday workshop with Isadora, per semester.
- Attend January check-in. Be open and responsive to feedback.
Compensation: Monthly Tuition Discount equal to the length of the class you assist.
level 2 assistants
- Being in front of the class to carry out the dance moves/sequences.
- Leading set exercises and stretching sequences.
- Noticing when students need extra guidance and helping them appropriately.
- Organizing students for traveling sequences and leading lines across-the-floor.
- Accompanying youngest children to the bathroom.
- Assisting students with things such as ice packs, band-aids, etc.
- Being an active leader in the class.
- Learning how to create and teach effective combinations.
- Meet with their Teacher before the Autumn session begins.
- Attend the Assistants Meeting in August with Isadora.
- Attend 1 Sunday workshops with Isadora, per semester.
- Attend January check-in. Be open and responsive to feedback.
Compensation: Monthly Tuition Discount equal to the length of the class you assist.
level 3 assistants
- Being in front of the class to carry out the dance moves/sequences.
- Leading set exercises and stretching sequences.
- Noticing when students need extra guidance and helping them appropriately.
- Organizing students for traveling sequences and leading lines across-the-floor.
- Accompanying youngest children to the bathroom.
- Assisting students with things such as ice packs, band-aids, etc.
- Contributing to the class by creating and teaching combinations.
- Learning how to give corrections.
- Being prepared to substitute the class if the teacher is away.
- Meet with their Teacher before the Autumn session begins.
- Attend the Assistants Meeting in August with Isadora.
- Attend 2 Sunday workshops with Isadora, per semester.
- Attend January check-in. Be open and responsive to feedback.
Compensation: Monthly Tuition Discount equal to the length of the class you assist, plus 15min.
(e.g. if you assist a 45min class, your monthly tuition discount will be equal to 1hr class.
(e.g. if you assist a 45min class, your monthly tuition discount will be equal to 1hr class.
level 4 assistants
- Being in front of the class to carry out the dance moves/sequences.
- Contributing to the class by creating and teaching combinations.
- Noticing when students need extra guidance and helping them appropriately.
- Organizing students for traveling sequences and leading lines across-the-floor.
- Accompanying youngest children to the bathroom.
- Assisting students with things such as ice packs, band-aids, etc.
- Giving corrections to students as needed.
- Being prepared to substitute the class if the teacher is away.
- Meet with their Teacher before the Autumn session begins.
- Attend the Assistants Meeting in August with Isadora.
- Attend 2 Sunday workshops with Isadora, per semester.
- Attend January check-in. Be open and responsive to feedback.
Compensation: Monthly Tuition Discount equal to the length of the class you assist, plus 15min.
(e.g. if you assist a 45min class, your monthly tuition discount will be equal to 1hr class.)
(e.g. if you assist a 45min class, your monthly tuition discount will be equal to 1hr class.)
JUNIOR faculty
- Manage the classroom environment effectively - implementing tools and strategies suggested by Faculty.
- Work with the assigned assistants.
- Plan weekly classes in advance.
- Choreograph their class's recital dance and have it completed by April 1st.
- Complete all performance paperwork required of Faculty in a timely manner.
- Run Tech Rehearsals for their class.
- Help with their class backstage at the May performance when possible.
- Meet with a Faculty Advisor before the Autumn session begins.
- Meet with their class Assistant before the Autumn session begins.
- Attend the Junior Faculty Meeting in August with Isadora.
- Attend 2 Sunday workshops with Isadora, per semester.
- Attend January check-in. Be open and responsive to feedback.
Compensation: Monthly Tuition discount equal to $22/class.
There is no application for Student Faculty positions.
Level 4 Assistants will be offered this position when applicable.
There is no application for Student Faculty positions.
Level 4 Assistants will be offered this position when applicable.
62 RIDGE STREET, MONTPELIER, VT 05602 . 802-229-4676 . [email protected]
62 RIDGE STREET, MONTPELIER, VT 05602 . 802-229-4676 . [email protected]