Placement for our HipHop classes for our younger dancers is based on age as well as maturity and skill level. If you are a new student, call the studio for assistance in choosing the appropriate level. If you are a returning student, refer to your class placements when selecting levels. To read about the history of HipHop and our teaching philosophy, click HERE.
Jr HipHop 1-2 A
Wednesday, 5:00pm - 6:00pm . Ages 9-11yrs Rosemary Leach assisted by Jeremy Harries Monthly Tuition for the Autumn Semester: $62 Monthly Tuition for the Spring Semester: $56 |
Jr HipHop 1-2 B
Friday, 3:45 - 4:45 pm . Ages 9-11yrs Stella Meyer and Bea Curtin Monthly Tuition for the Autumn Semester: $62 Monthly Tuition for the Spring Semester: $56 |
In Junior Hip Hop 1-2, we celebrate and experience the energy, rhythm, joy, and spirit of hip-hop dance. The set warmup includes footwork, practicing rhythmic patterns, isolations, strength, and stretching. Across-the-floors are used for freestyle, structured improvisation, and practice of specific steps. Center combinations allow us to interpret different musical styles and practice longer movement sequences. We discuss the origins of hip-hop culture and dance, incorporating multiple original elements such as top rock, floor work, locking, house, and wave work. Individual expression is developed within the context of community through our groove and freestyle circles. We move together and have fun!
Jr HipHop 3-4
Wednesday, 3:45pm - 5:00pm . Ages 11+ Millie Heckler Monthly Tuition for the Autumn Semester: $70 Monthly Tuition for the Spring Semester: $63 |
This class explores grooves, isolations, social party dances, house dance, animation, and breaking. Students will learn warm-ups that stay consistent throughout the semester. These warm-ups are designed to strengthen, stretch and open the body. Students will learn choreography as well as freestyle techniques. In addition we will talk history: what are we doing and why? Come prepared to sweat, push beyond self-imposed boundaries, dance with your peers, and have fun within a community container.
Classes listed below are for Teens and Adults.
Returning students should refer to their class placements when registering.
New students, please contact the studio for assistance in selecting classes.
Returning students should refer to their class placements when registering.
New students, please contact the studio for assistance in selecting classes.
HipHop 1-2
Monday, 6:15pm - 7:30pm Millie Heckler Monthly Tuition for the Autumn Semester: $70 Monthly Tuition for the Spring Semester: $68 In this class, we'll learn foundational grooves and explore club and street styles such as house, locking, and old school over the year. We'll learn bite-sized pieces of the history of these styles as we go along and develop our personal style through guided improvisation/freestyle, including cyphers. Throughout the year, we will create a strong, supportive community so that we can feel safe in being vulnerable and exploring movement together. |
HipHop 3-4
Wednesday, 7:30pm - 9:00pm Millie Heckler - Autumn Session AnnaMaria DiPietropaolo - Spring Session Monthly Tuition for the Autumn Semester: $70 Monthly Tuition for the Spring Semester: $68 In this class, we'll expand on all aspects featured in Hip Hop 1-2. Using those foundational grooves, we'll explore more complex and challenging choreographic phrases and rhythms. We will continue to explore different styles such as house, locking, and old school - and use those vocabularies to expand our personal movement practices through improvisation/freestyle, including cyphers. We'll take the time to study further into the history of street and club styles and our impact in the community as a community. |
62 RIDGE STREET, MONTPELIER, VT 05602 . 646-400-5882 . [email protected]
62 RIDGE STREET, MONTPELIER, VT 05602 . 646-400-5882 . [email protected]